Cicatrizations are restored to their original colour by applying sheep's lights, those of a ram in particular; mutton-suet, mixed with nitre; the ashes of a green lizard; a snake's slough, boiled in wine; or else pigeons' dung, mixed with honey; a preparation which, in combination with wine, is good for the removal of white morphew. For the cure, also, of mor- phew, cantharides are used, with two-thirds of rue-leaves; a preparation which the patient must keep applied, in the sun, till the skin itches and rises in blisters; after which it must be fomented and well rubbed with oil, and the application repeated. This must be done for several days in succession, due precautions being taken that the ulcerations do not penetrate too deep.

For the cure, too, of morphew, a liniment is recommended, made of flies and root of agrimony; the white part also of poultry dung, kept in a horn box with stale oil; a bat's blood; or else the gall of a hedge-hog applied with water. Itch-scab is cured by using the brains of a horned owl, incorporated with saltpetre; but dog's blood is the best thing to keep it in check. The small, broad, snail that is found, crushed and ap- plied topically, is an effectual cure for itching sensations.